As one of those, I am TOTALLY crazy on it too!!I mean who are NOT??
DiGi WOULD BE LAUNCHING THE iPHONE 4 for a lucky Nuffnanger!!
iPHONE!! and not just iPHONE,
is iPHONE empat!!!!!
The latest one!!!
But, let's have a try because if you try, there sure will be chances for you.
may be I'm one lucky girl? cheh..=p
so, the question is "why you want an iPhone 4"
hmm..a very good question!
Take a look on this!! I don't know what model is this?
but the functions is just for calling and sms oni!! hng! (not enuf for a young generation people like me!)
I hesitated whether to post it or not? *even feel like so embarrass to post it on public*
cause seems like for a young generation people should have taking more advance handphone or even iPhone =D (if I can get it.) but not this!! =.=
This is one of the reason I need Iphone 4 so much. :D
you know what iPhone got?
It can let us talk face to face with another iPhone 4 user!!!This is so suite my situation where when my hubby miss me so much, we can talk face to face at anytime and anywhere we like to..instead of just able to webcame each other in our room or all the way bringing heavy laptop to cafe just to webcam each other!!
With iPhone 4, we can do this wherever we like to!
even if his is in the saloon trimming hair and I'm taking my lunch at different places,
we still able to see each other! =)
Besides, when you are preparing for an outing and have some high tea with friends at any cafe.
I'm sure for any youngster including me, this is our time where we are able to dress up nicely to meet friends , relaxing, having tea and fb-ing with net friends at the cafe...
But, imaging this!!! wearing a nice dress with a big ugly bag which so not match to the dress to a cafe just to online or fb??!!!
BIG NONO for me!!!
However, with iPhone4, I can bring it along to anywhere so easily and keep it in my bag with zero ugly image.
so convinient and it is so much lighter than my 2kg lappie!!!cool man~
meaning I can facebook wherever I go and the best thing is,
it is available to online at anywhere even if the place has no wifi!!!
*According to my friend, iPhone4 has a satellite which allow us to online wherever we wan even if the places got no wifi!!* double thumbs up!
with iPhone4, Facebook everywhere I want too. *L.O.V.E*
iPhone consists of 5 megapixel camera with an optiona HDR setting!!!
It captures amazingly detailed images and the 5X degital zoom gets us closer to the action!!and most importantly and the most I LOVE is...
wow~ this is so cool~
with especially like me who like to camwhore so much, this is so suite me!
it seems like iPhone 4 is specially created for me. XD
I LOVE to camwhore!!
iPhone got a lot of attractive features such as camera, video recording and editing, iTune store, iBooks and etc..which means, I just need one iPhone4 and I can dump all these..!!!
These are my horrible handphone which always give me trouble, heavy lappie and thick camera which so inconvenient to bring along and the always spoil MP4 which I had renewed 3 times!! This is the 3rd one!! wasting money only..
Therefore, with one iPhone, it can replace all of these.
now you can see why I so need iPhone 4!! don't you?
now, let me tell you more on iPhone.
I've found out that iPhone can actually do this!!
Speak To Call!!!
it consists of voice control which allow the user to talk to the iphone..get it? TALK TO THE PHONE, babe.. and tell them who you wanna call or the number you wanna call and the phone can actually find for you!! how great is this!! We are just like a boss to the phone. *hiak hiak* Besides, we can switch between calls, merge calls or add up to five callers with a tap! cool~
In addition,
as everyone knows that iPhone is a touch pad and i feel that it is so great cause it is without keypad!!
The stupid phone of mine, the keypad can come out whenever it likes to which makes me so annoyed when I'm in urgent to type a message to my boss. >< it kills me so much and waste my time.
you see..!! and mind you, the keypad is as hard as a rock!!! it is so difficult to type.
what to do? it cost only RM160 for this phone..I cant complain much..T.T
with iPhone, of cause I wouldn't have this kind of problem...
because iPhone consists of smart keyboard which allow us to type fast, it tracks what we type, then suggest words, corrects spelling and insert punctuation for us!! :)
As well, iPhone isn't just superb phone but it is also an amazing ipod too which allow us to listen music, watch video and browse everything with the TOUCH OF A FINGER!!
with iPhone4, I can dump my fragile MP4 and replace iPhone 4 for jogging cause I really need music every morning for exercising! =)besides, I can watch video or movie using iPhone4!
Life is so meaningful with iPhone
as People always said,
An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away..
That's right!
because you see..
with iPhone 4,
I can avoid..
1. small screen on my current handphone which spoil my eyes
(iPhone screen big enough for me to watch movie, don't say texts! )
2. lao ya (cheapskate) key pad which spoil my fingers/ hands
(iPhone4 using touch screen which makes my life easier! ) loudly cause of laosy speaker of my handphone which spoil my IMAGE in public!!! =p
(iPhone4 doesn't have this problem because it's speaker is great enough)
4. and heavy lappie causing shoulder damage =p(iPhone is so much ligther with multiple functions!)
Therefore, those are the reasons why I want an iPhone4 from Digi!!
Digi yellow man,
Please give me an Apple, I want to live healthier and longer..=),
I promise I'll give you more girls if you want to! =p

wish I could be the lucky one. =)
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